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How to Configure the Magento Checkout Process: A Complete Guide

How to Configure the Magento Checkout Process: A Complete Guide

Quick Overview

Configuring the Magento 2 checkout process is indispensable for creating a smooth and efficient shopping experience for your customers. A well-optimized checkout can significantly reduce cart abandonment and improve overall customer satisfaction rates.

Over the past 14+ years of optimizing Magento journeys, the team at Transform Agency has acquired a wealth of knowledge in building seamless checkout experiences. Below, we walk you through the proven steps needed to effectively configure the Magento checkout process.

1. Configure Key Checkout Process Settings

To begin configuring your Magento checkout process flow, you need to access the checkout settings in your Magento admin panel. Here is how you do it:

  1. Log in to your Magento admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration.
  3. In the left sidebar, under Sales, click on Checkout.

Next, let’s look at the key settings you need to configure.

Guest Checkout

Not every visitor of your website will be ready to create an account, but that doesn’t mean that you should bar them from purchasing with you. To ensure higher profit, you need to offer a guest checkout.

  1. In the Checkout Options section, locate Allow Guest Checkout.
  2. Choose Yes to allow customers to check out without creating an account.
  3. Save Config.

Two-factor Authentication (2FA)

Make sure to secure the accounts of those customers who do register in your store. The best way to do that is by introducing two-factor authentication.

  1. Install any Magento 2FA module from the Magento Marketplace.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Security > 2FA.
  3. Enable 2FA and configure the settings as per your requirements before saving.


For secure data transmission during guest and registered checkout processes, ensure that your website uses HTTPS protocol. To set it up, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Stores > Configuration > Web > Base URLs (Secure).
  2. Set Use Secure URLs in Frontend and Use Secure URLs in Admin to Yes.
  3. Save Config.

CAPTCHA and Fraud Protection

To further enhance data security, consider enabling CAPTCHA for the checkout process.

  1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration > CAPTCHA.
  2. Enable CAPTCHA, configure the settings as needed, and save.

Terms and Conditions Enforcement

Ensuring that your Magento store complies with relevant legal requirements is an important step in handling e-commerce. One fundamental rule is to openly share your business’s legal terms and conditions with customers before they place an order. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Set Enable Terms and Conditions to Yes.
  2. Customize the legal text by navigating to Stores > Terms and Conditions.
  3. Click Add New Condition, fill in the required details, and save.

This way, you’ll ensure each customer agrees to your Terms and Conditions during checkout.

One-Page Checkout 

The fewer steps in the checkout process, the higher the chances of conversion. You can reduce them using the default Magento settings:

  1. Under the Checkout Options section, find Enable On-page Checkout.
  2. Set this to Yes to enable the streamlined one-page checkout process and save.

Alternatively, you can opt for a One-Step Checkout Magento 2 Extension.

2. Configure Payments and Taxes

Once you’re done with the basic settings concerning the security and usability of the checkout, proceed to configure tax calculation and payment methods. Their proper configuration will help you prevent any potential financial issues during the transaction process.


Tax Calculation

  1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Tax.
  2. Under the Tax Calculation section, configure how taxes should be calculated based on your location and business requirements.


Default Payment Methods

  1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods.
  2. Configure the default payment methods, such as Check/Money Order, Bank Transfer, Cash on Delivery, and Purchase Order.
  3. Set Enabled to Yes for the methods you want to offer and configure the necessary details (title, instructions, etc.).

Consider integrating popular mobile-friendly digital wallets (e.g., Apple Pay, Google Pay) and BNPL services (e.g., Afterpay, Klarna). Ensure all payment gateways are PCI-compliant and regularly update your payment gateway integrations to the latest versions for security and performance improvements.

3. Customize Shipping Settings

Shipping information either seals or breaks the deal at checkout. Provide your customers with clear pricing information as well as diverse and flexible shipping options to improve customer satisfaction. This transparency can significantly reduce cart abandonment and reduce the number of shipping-related inquiries.


Shipping Origin

  1. Go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Settings > Origin.
  2. Fill in the shipping origin details, including country, region, city, and postal code. 


Shipping Methods

  1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Methods.
  2. Configure each shipping method as per your business requirements. For example, set up flat rate, free shipping, or specific carrier integrations (UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.).
  3. Enable the methods you wish to offer and set appropriate pricing. 


Table Rates

  1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Methods > Table Rates.
  2. Set Enabled to Yes and configure the conditions for table rates based on weight, price, or item count.
  3. Import your table rate's CSV file and save the configuration.

4. Customize Checkout Page Design and Layout

Your online shopping cart can be minimalistic yet stylish and eye-catching at the same time. A well-designed cart not only enhances the visual appeal but also improves the overall shopping experience for your customers, raising the average check and customer lifetime value. 


Customizing the Checkout Page

  1. Navigate to Content > Pages.
  2. Find the checkout page and click Edit.
  3. Use the WYSIWYG editor or custom HTML/CSS to modify the checkout page design as needed. Save and preview the changes.


Custom Checkout Fields

  1. If you require additional fields during checkout, you can use an extension or custom development.
  2. Search for a suitable extension on the Magento Marketplace, like this one.
  3. Install and configure the extension to add and manage custom fields.


Checkout Success Page

You can also customize checkout success pages to thank customers and encourage further engagement:

  1. Navigate to Content > Pages and edit the Checkout Success page.
  2. Use the WYSIWYG editor or custom HTML/CSS to enhance the page with personalized messages, promotions, and social sharing options.

5. Optimize Checkout Speed

A fast checkout process is key to preventing cart abandonment. Besides reducing the number of steps and simplifying the information required, you can leverage other approaches to improve checkout speed. Here are some ways to optimize the speed of your Magento checkout.  


Enable Flat Catalogs

  1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog.
  2. Under Storefront, set Use Flat Catalog Category and Use Flat Catalog Product to Yes.
  3. Save Config and reindex the data by navigating to System > Index Management.


Optimize JavaScript and CSS

  1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer.
  2. Under JavaScript Settings, set Merge JavaScript Files and Minify JavaScript Files to Yes.
  3. Under CSS Settings, set Merge CSS Files and Minify CSS Files to Yes. Save Config.

6. Test and Keep Improving the Checkout Experience

After configuring all the checkout settings above, you should test the entire process to ensure everything works as expected. At Transform Agency, we also advise clients to regularly test and optimize their checkout process for higher conversion rates. Such ongoing refinement helps identify and resolve any issues that may arise, ensuring a consistently smooth experience for customers.  


Testing the Checkout Process

  1. Place test orders using different payment methods and shipping options.
  2. Verify that the order totals are calculated correctly.
  3. Check that confirmation emails are sent and received.
  4. Ensure the checkout process is smooth and free of errors. 


Regular Security Audits

  1. Schedule regular security audits to identify and fix vulnerabilities.
  2. Use Magento's Security tools or maintenance services for continuous monitoring.
  3. Keep your Magento installation and all extensions up to date. 


Customer Feedback

  1. Collect feedback from customers about their checkout experience.
  2. Use surveys, follow-up emails, or feedback widgets to gather insights.
  3. Implement improvements based on the feedback received.

Wrapping Up

In this article, we've delved into both basic and advanced configurations and optimizations for the Magento checkout process. After implementing these strategies, you’re bound to create a faster, more secure, and user-friendly checkout experience that meets your customers' needs and drives higher conversion rates. 

If you need assistance with any of the steps described above or with Magento checkout optimization in general, drop us a line – and we’ll reach out to you with practical advice!


Written with the assistance of Alex K.

Certified Magento Tech Lead at TA

Alex excels in creating and approving customization architecture, ensuring robust and efficient solutions for e-commerce platforms. His expertise in Magento allows him to effectively manage tech resources and drive technical projects to successful completion.


Written with the assistance of Alex K.

Certified Magento Tech Lead at TA

Alex excels in creating and approving customization architecture, ensuring robust and efficient solutions for e-commerce platforms. His expertise in Magento allows him to effectively manage tech resources and drive technical projects to successful completion.

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