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Shopify Ecommerce Integration

Integrate Shopify with Salesforce Connector

Integrate Shopify with Salesforce Connector

Shopify and Salesforce

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that allows businesses both small and large to manage transactions with their customers. It is typically used for POS (point-of-sale) and online shops. Shopify lets businesses better scale their operations and conduct transactions on a secure digital platform.

Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM (customer relationship management) tool that provides e-commerce businesses with solutions for managing a variety of their operational elements, including:

  • Customer service and experience
  • Marketing automation
  • Sales generations
  • Analytics and data
  • Application development

Customer relationship management software like Salesforce equips businesses with the tools they need to better maintain relationships with their customers. When combined with Shopify, the two provide a powerful method of managing your e-commerce platform and providing a consistent, streamlined experience for each customer.

Both Shopify and Salesforce can be used to streamline customer transactions and provide an improved customer experience. Read this article to learn more about Shopify, Salesforce, how to integrate them, and some of the top advantages that this can offer your e-commerce business.


Why is Shopify Salesforce Integration Important?

When Shopify and Salesforce are integrated together, you can manage and track important trends, data, and other key elements of your e-commerce business. Salesforce CRM is even able to sync to multiple Shopify stores at once, so you can easily track all of your operations in one convenient place.

Your inventory management system also drives much of your operation, which is why it’s essential to ensure that it is effective and organized. When your data from Shopify is able to easily sync and streamline with your Salesforce CRM software, you gain better insight into your operations. This lets you find ways to improve elements of the customer experience that may require some extra attention, as well as lets you know what is working for your e-commerce business.


Shopify Salesforce Connect: 5 Advantages

Harness of benefits of Shopify Salesforce integration and elevate your transactions and customer experience to the next level. Here are six of the top advantages of Shopify and Salesforce:

1. Quickly Process High Volumes of Data

One of the best benefits of Shopify Salesforce integration is that it allows you and your team to quickly process high volumes of data automatically.

CRM software is able to process and sort data much faster than manually possible, saving your operation time and resources. It also heavily reduces the risk of errors, since data is automatically processed. Manual data entry can be slow and time-consuming, and errors can happen despite your team’s best efforts. Salesforce CRM increases the accuracy of your data, informing your decision-making process with results you can trust.

2. Securely Store Vital Customer Information

With Salesforce integrated into Shopify, you can securely store all of your most important customer information in one location.

When all your customer data is centralized, it becomes much easier to gain a holistic view of your business operations. From there, you can find ways to better meet your customer needs and wants by analyzing this data. Some practical ways to utilize this customer to improve customer experience include:

  • Personalized marketing or ads
  • Developing better email campaigns
  • Gaining key marketing insights
  • Better understanding your customer demographics

3. Increase Your Productivity Levels

Salesforce integration with Shopify is also an excellent method of increasing your overall productivity levels. When your team isn’t bogged down with having to manually process large quantities of data or manage customer relationships without proper resources, they can focus their sights on growth and development.  

4. Manage Customer Relations More Effectively

As a business owner, you know that managing the relationships with your customers is crucial to running a successful company. Ensuring a uniform, consistent customer experience for each person who visits your website establishes your company as trustworthy and increases the likelihood of repeat visits and sales.

It’s also very important to have a plan and process in place to remedy customer relationships when an issue occurs. Mistakes do happen from time to time, so how your company handles them can be quite telling, especially to your customers. Salesforce CRM helps you ensure a great customer experience, every step of the way.

When your brand is known for consistency and great customer service, you’re more likely to get repeat customers. After all, repeat customers make up nearly fifty percent of e-commerce sales. A higher conversion rate means improved sales and better exposure — both key elements of ensuring a business that is sustainable long term.

5. Automatic Sales Forecasting

Sales forecasting is critical not only for improving your sales performance, but also for making many of the most important decisions regarding how your business will run. Sales forecasting data is vital for predicting when to hire more labor, reduce costs, revamp certain business processes, and other related tasks.

When you don’t have this data on hand, it becomes very tough to know what steps to take to improve or run your company. With a CRM software like Salesforce, you’ll have valuable sales forecasting tools at your fingertips that help you prep for the future.


Shopify, Salesforce, and Your E-Commerce Business

With Shopify and Salesforce integration, your business can find practical ways to better serve your customers. When your business and team have the tools needed to take customer experience to the next level, every part of the operation can succeed. Sales and CRM technology can help empower your team’s decision-making process and aid in developing lasting customer relationships.

As a trusted Shopify development company, Transform Agency knows what it takes to create the ideal Shopify platform for your e-commerce business. Whether it’s customized app development, performance optimization, or assistance with migrating or integrating platforms, our team of experts is here to help. Our transparent and flexible approach makes it easy for you to get started, and our team will provide you with ongoing support to ensure total quality assurance.

Ready to get started? Contact us today by clicking here!

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